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Tornado/Severe Weather Emergency-CUHC Personnel-Preparedness for TS ISAIAS Warning Period

Weather Emergency Declaration (See CUHC Policy 8.610)

     1. Provide for the safety of patients, staff, families, and visitors
     2. Initiate CUHC system-wide protective actions
     3. Provide patient care and management

          If On-duty remain at post/assignment until relieved
          If Off-Duty call into Unit/Department with availability
          Report to Supervisor/Manager/Director any unmet needs
          Supervisor/Manager/Director to report unit's unmet needs to the IMT
          Utilize Unit/Department Business Continuity Plan
          Operate to best advantage until Update from IMT provided

If Tornado Warning is issued and/or conditions/time warrants/allow have Ambulatory Patients move to interior hallway and provide cover with pillow/s and blanket.
If Tornado Warning is issued and/or conditions/time warrants/allow close all windows, close curtains/blinds, move beds away from exterior windows and provide cover with pillow/s and blanket.

The Alpha, Beta or Gamma "All Hazards" Team may be activated for this event.  If activated Team/s to report to D-407 (Professional Development/Nursing Education Classroom) for their brief.

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Click on the below links to access its' content:
Family/Personal Tropical Storm/Hurricane Preparedness
Family/Personal Tornado Preparedness  
CUHC Severe Weather Response Plan